Welcome to gtor.net

a website where you can find utilities, travel news, spare time info and much more.


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Roman Numbers to Arabic 4775



A new tool is available here on gtor.net

Quite likely something that you wouldn’t use very often but it can be fun. Why not giving it a try?

Feel younger than you are?

Feel younger than you are? Here’s why you’re on to something good...

Read the full article from The Conversation.

Roman numerals to Arabic numbers converter

You are visiting a wonderful monument in Venice and you are wondering what on Earth the Romans smoke when they thought of their numeric system?

Wander no more! With this simple utility, you can convert any roman number into a more understandable one...

gtor.net upgrade

And here's yet another facelift for gtor.net.

Both the layout and the technology were quite outdated so I decided for a dramatic change.

Since I always like to experiment and keep the pace with the most recent technologies, I opted for ASP.NET Core MVC which, incidentally, I found very powerful.

Yes, I admit that the layout is still not jaw-dropping but now that the frame is there I will work on it as soon as I have more time.

Also the blog, you might have noticed, is missing the comments feature and this is because I wrote it from scratch and it requires still some work to be done. Besides, I haven't seen that willingness to leave many remarks by the visitors to this and other websites that I have around the web. Therefore, if you want to leave your feedback please use the Contact form.

I know some of the content you find on this website is quite dated and most of it I've left it for historical reasons but I'm planning to add some new features so... stay tuned and have fun browsing.